Indian Birds


This is the only application available on android market which displays bird names in Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit and Gujarati. It works in offline mode and can be moved to SD Card. It is very easy to use as a "field guide" at birding sites.

The application covers most of the common species of birds found in India. The application is in sync with our own bird repository and hence includes the birds which you will find in our website @ http://birds.TheNatureWeb.Net

Some key features of application include:

1. List of bird names in Marathi
2. List of bird names in Hindi
3. List of bird names in Sanskrit
4. List of bird names in Gujarati
5. Bird categorization for easy navigation with category names in Marathi
6. Searchable List of birds
7. List of State Birds of India
8. Bird Details screen with photo gallery - use action bar icon to view photo gallery and YouTube video link (if available)
9. Bird Quiz
10. Desktop widget showing random bird profile
11. Desktop widget showing random bird photo
12. Settings screen allows user to configure search field (bird name or alternate bird names or scientific name) for list of birds and regional language to be displayed in random bird profile widget.

The application also offers search based on Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit and Gujarati names.

In addition to list of bird names in Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit and Gujarati, the application also has a quiz that gives you an opportunity to find out how many birds you know with their names and increase your knowledge about birds.

Desktop widgets comes very handy as it displays "Random Bird Profile" and "Random Bird Photo" on home screen. The bird & bird photo displayed in widgets are randomly selected from the application's bird collection. NOTE: This feature does NOT work when the application is moved SD Card.

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